Marzo 13, 2004


Iñigo Sáenz de Ugarte actualiza su blog: El presidente del Gobierno y el ministro del Interior habían empeñado su credibilidad en la defensa de la autoría de ETA. Como si se necesitara que ETA hubiera cometido este atentado para confirmar lo que todo el mundo sabe: que es una organización criminal que no defiende ninguna opción política legítima y que sólo sabe expresarse a través del asesinato de inocentes. Pero el Gobierno, con su comportamiento, ha dado a entender que necesitaba que calara su mensaje por razones de interés propio. ¿Qué persona del Ministerio de Interior informó a los periodistas a las pocas horas del atentado que el explosivo utilizado era titadine, un sello habitual de ETA? ¿Qué les dijo Aznar a los directores de los principales periódicos para confirmarles en la hipótesis de ETA? ¿Qué pensaban obtener a cambio los corifeos del Gobierno, que trabajan en los principales medios de comunicación, públicos y privados, que corrieron a acusar a ETA, descartando la opción del terrorismo integrista?

¿Qué credibilidad les queda a unos y a otros?

Publicado por Ignacio Escolar a las Marzo 13, 2004 10:26 PM | TrackBack


"ETA asesina a decenas personas en Madrid." Escrito aquí.

Publicado por: Sara a las Marzo 13, 2004 10:35 PM

Vamos por este camino... y no es una buena cosa.

Winds of Black Hate

I was interviewed a few days ago by a gentleman from the University of North Carolina who was doing research on blogs and politics. We got to talking about the great divide between the left* and the right and I repeated to him a point I made some time last year: The left no longer have causes. They have anti-causes.

Being anti-everything makes for bitterness and anger, and it is increasingly evident that all of those negative vibes the left has been surrounding themselves with have gotten in the way of clear thinking and reason.

Back in the days when I was more of a liberal, the left stood for things. They were about clean air, protecting freedoms and getting along with the rest of the world. Somewhere along the line, their Kool-aid was injected with venom and they swallowed it in huge gulps, then asked for more. You can practically hear the liquid hate sloshing around in their bellies as they walk past you.

They don't care about the world anymore. They only care about their one, single agenda: hating and ridding the world of George W. Bush. These people aren't really for John Kerry. They wouldn't care if he were Atilla the Hun or Jeffrey Dahmer; they crusade for him simply because he's not George Bush.

***They secretly - and some not so secretly - rub their hands in glee every time a soldier is killed in Iraq or a bomb goes off somewhere and al Qaida is blamed. Another notch in their anti-George belt. They gloat about death, smirking over dead bodies and chanting their catch phrase of "I told you so."***


Publicado por: Algernon a las Marzo 13, 2004 10:46 PM

¿Y si es Al Qaeda, seguro que es bueno para la izquierda?

Véase lo que dice Andrew Sullivan, afamado derechófilo estadounidense, sobre el editorial de Le Monde... más o menos que si se confirma que el 11M es fundamentalismo islámico, entonces Bush tiene razón. ¿Y quién es el amiguito de Bush?

LE MONDE SWITCHES SIDES: An encouragig sign in France. Le Monde's editorial today, "Tragedie Europeenne," ends with the following sentiment: "If she did not know it yet, she knows it now: Europe is part of the battlefield of hyper-terrorism." Then there's this astonishing piece of black-and-white analysis: "Nothing, evidently, no cause, no context, no supposedly political objective, justifies this kind of [large scale] terrorism." Now they tell us. Whatever happened to all those sophisticated European "gray areas"? With any luck, they died in the wreckage of Madrid's trains. Here's another money quote from the French daily:

"If the trail back to Al-Qaida is confirmed, Europeans should rethink the war against Islamic fundamentalist terrorism, as did the United States after the attacks of September 11, 2001. . . .
[si la pista de Al Qaeda se confirma, los europeos deberían volver repensar la guerra contra el terrorismo fundamentalista, como lo hicieron los Estados Unidos tras el 11 de Septiembre de 2001.] Will March 11 have in Europe the same effect as September 11 in the US? After having spontaneously expressed their solidarity with the Americans, the Europeans, preoccupied with other forms of terrorism, found that the Americans had become consumed with paranoia. Contrary to the latter in 2001, Europeans today discover not only their own vulnerability, but also that they are confronted with a new phenomenon, mass terrorism. Like the Americans, they may now be forced to admit that a new form of world war has been declared, not against Islam but against totalitarian and violent fundamentalism. That the world's democracies are confronted with the same menace and should act together, using military means and waging at the same time a war for their ideals."
[Como los estadounidenses, se pueden ver forzados a admitir que se ha declarado una nueva forma de guerra mundial, no contra el Islam sino contra el fundamentalismo totalitario y violento. Que las democracias del mundo se enfrentan a ,la misma amenaza y deben actuar juntas, usando medios militares y combatiendo a la vez una querra por sus ideales]

Publicado por: Algernon a las Marzo 13, 2004 11:09 PM

Sara: si de entrada se dice que el gobierno miente, se crucifica al que lo diga (mira lo que dijo Acebes de Otegui). Inocente de Nacho, mira que creer lo que le dijo el ministro de su país. Pardillo

Publicado por: Jose María a las Marzo 14, 2004 01:42 AM


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